In Admiral Greenert's confirmation yesterday, there were no statements that suggested a force structure change, only that the budget situation could force one. I tend to believe Amos, that we are already at the point of change, but if that is true it is disappointing that Admiral Greenert didn't take the moment that included absolute certainty of his confirmation and use the hearings to describe in detail to the Senate what the future of the Navy looks like under certain scenarios.Long story short....big deck carriers are about to take a hair cut. What does this mean for the Marines?
1. The MEU is about to gain prominence. Much more than it currently has...the biggest problem might be to keep boat spaces for Marines. You can bet your last dollar that Special Ops Command along with their surrogates in Marine Special Forces will be trying to pare down the MEU so that they can start taking rides.
2. The Gator Navy can look to expand. The idea of finally getting 38 big deck amphibs will probably be the price paid to cut back on the number of aircraft carriers.
3. The USMC might be able to kill off the silly idea of buying F-35C's.
4. Speaking of the JSF, its future is almost assured now...especially the B model. I've already read reports that the CMC is looking to get the plane off probation....
5. The idea of going from 11 carriers down to 8 seems likely. Sadly, I can even it going to 6...three on each coast.
6. I hope the NAVAIR likes the F/A-18E/F....they might be stuck with it. If so then Boeing can probably take heart in the idea of selling upgraded versions.