Saturday, September 08, 2012

Club K Missile System. Follow up.

Sorry gents.

This is one of two issues I can't let go of this weekend.  The other is the killing of British Soldiers by Apache Attack Helicopters.  More on that later.

But let me ask you to do this.

Look around your city or town.  Look at the construction sites.  Look at the big rigs on the road.

Look at all the shipping containers.

Imagine what would happen if a single container was smuggled into the US.  Imagine if it was launched at a big city.

Imagine if it hit nothing.

Imagine the terror.  Imagine if the people that claimed credit were from a terrorist organization.  A drug cartel.  A crimminal organization.

Do you think that such an act would affect world trade?  Do you not think that such an act would ground world trade to a halt?

That's my point with this.  I don't know what kind of controls are on this weapon.  But it has the ability to destabilize world trade just because of the way that its disguised.  If used with imagination these conventional weapons have the intimidation power of a nuclear weapon.

Think about that the next time you see a container at a local site.