Its time to brutally use an ally to see what kind of deal the USMC can get when it comes to new built AAV's. The Japanese are in the market to buy AAV's and the deal they had brewing with SAMSUNG of S. Korea (who have the license rights to build them) fell through so they're looking at a US company to get the job done. That company would be BAE.
Additionally Brazil just put out that they're in the market for 24 or 36 of these vehicles.
Its time to get medival on BAE and get our armored vehicle issues solved once and for all.
Approach BAE with a wish list of modifications, improvements and armaments fits for the vehicle....get a bulk buy including the Japanese and Brazilians in the deal and there you have it.
SEALY, Texas has jobs....the USMC has its vehicles...Japan and Brazil too...and good enough but not great is satisified.
Additionally BAE has already done the leg work on this. We can have this setup for next years budget instead of playing the usual procurement games.
But is leadership smart enough to get it done? I doubt it. They're fans of process and paperwork instead of results.