Saturday, December 29, 2012

A SMART Car made into a 4x4

In the pic above you see a SMART car parked beside a Ford F-250 pickup.

No.  It is not a toy car.  Its actually real.  Yes.  I know you've seen ATV's that are bigger but that's the point.  The SMART car is suppose to be an urban commuter.

The thought of turning it into a Rally Car boggles the mind.  Well drug legalization must have come to Italy because that's exactly what the Italians have done.  Not only have they turned it into a Rally Car but they are planning on running it in the most brutal off road race going.  The Dakar Rally!  Check out the pics below from the Auto Blog.

Check out the vid below.

Betcha 50 cents they don't finish.


  1. these are pretty sturdy little things, just lookup "smart crash test" on youtube, remember they're made by mercades, who are known for building cars, like, tanks.

    I don't know if they will finish, but i wouldn't discount it, because of it's size.

    the chasis, has it's own inbuilt roll-cage, is very stiff, with another one built ontop, i wouldn't mind riding that think over v extreme terrain.

    i'll take that bet, let's say, a buck, instead.

  2. I am on the bet too. I drove one on the autobahn at 110 kph. Turns on a dime. Upgrade the roll bar, get a good back up crew, and sponsorship, it should finish. Looks like they took some ATV parts for it. Bob


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