Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Blast from the past...Fa 223 "Drache"

via Wikipedia...
The Focke-Achgelis Fa 223 Drache ("Dragon" in English) was a helicopter developed by Germany during World War II. A single 750 kilowatt (1,000 horsepower) Bramo 323 radial engine powered two three-bladed 11.9 metre (39 feet) rotors mounted on twin booms on either side of the 12.2 metre (40 ft) long cylindrical fuselage. Although the Fa 223 is noted for being the first helicopter to attain production status, production of the helicopter was hampered by Allied bombing of the factory and only 20 were built.
The Fa 223 could cruise at 175 kilometres per hour (109 mph) with a top speed of 182 km/h (113 mph), and climb to an altitude of 7,100 m (23,300 ft). The Drache could transport cargo loads of over 1,000 kg (2,200 lb) at cruising speeds of 121 km/h (75 mph) and altitudes approaching 2,440 m (8,010 ft).[1][2][3]
Recovery of downed aircraft, rescue, cargo and troop transport.  The Fa 223 was the worlds first.  Imagine if Hitler had been smarter and delayed OR refused to start a second war with Russia?  The technological lead that the Germans had would have spelled doom to the allies if they only had another year or two.

Follow the above link to read more about this interesting airplane.