Friday, January 04, 2013

Oshkosh $194.9M for Armored Trucks

From Jonathan (thanks!) via

On Thursday, the U.S. Department of Defense announced that it has awarded Oshkosh (NYSE: OSK  ) a $194.9 million firm-fixed-price contract, modifying an existing contract for the purchase of "Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles."FMTV is a line of armored military trucks  previously manufactured by BAE Systems, up until the time when Oshkoshwon away the contract to produce them three years ago. That contract, for an indefinite delivery of an indefinite quantity (an "IDIQ" contract) of trucks, anticipated that Oshkosh would ultimately build the U.S. Army as many as 23,000 FMTVs over the course of its relationship. This latest installment is expected to be complete by September 30, 2014.Shares of Oshkosh rose 1.6% to close at $32.07 Thursday, ahead of the Pentagon's announcement.
More trucks?

Wars winding down, budgets tightening.

New instead of rebuilds?

The deficit hawks in the "Republican" party and the peddlers in the "Democrat" party will be licking their chops.