Friday, August 30, 2013

Ohio Class SSGN. Any other ship for the Syria mission is just for show.

The USN is a powerhouse.

By itself it fields a formidable Air Force, has at its disposal a highly effective Marine Corps that rivals some nations army's in size and dwarfs many in capabilities, and it has a single warship that is capable of laying waste to a small country single handed.

The SSGN.  A cruise missile firing Ohio Class Submarine could perform the entire strike mission (I'm guessing) on Syria by itself.

154 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles.

Thats more than the UK has in its entire arsenal (not picking on the UK, just using them to illustrate the point).  We have that many on one sub.  We have four subs so equipped.

The Navy is sending 5 warships to the area in preparation for this strike.

Its all for show.  They could get it done with a single ship...if we were serious about getting the job done and not posturing for all to see.  And having said that imagine the shock, awe and fear that would have ensued had we decided to exercise a little OPSEC, have one of our SSGNs pop its entire payload at Syria and then announce to the world that we will not tolerate Chemical Weapons use against civilians.

The American public would be chest thumping the exercise of force for a worthy cause.  Europe would be shamed by their inaction.  Putin would be shocked at America's audacity...and dictators worldwide would be shitting their pants.


  1. Yes, but that would require a leader to be occupying the White House. I may actually respect a decision made like that. Nut I agree...All for show, both to the world, and to the U.S. "See...Look at me.. I know how to use the military..." Disgraceful.

    1. Oooops...fat fingers "BUT I agree..."

    2. the posturing is what really makes me dislike the guy. his politics suck, but he's liberal and thats how they think. besides his stances on gun control and Obamacare i could tolerate many of his views but the posturing is what pisses me off.

      and his use of the military...well, disgraceful is the nicest word you could use to describe that.

    3. Bottom Line....Stay out of this cluster fuck!!!!! Screams false-flag! "Obummer" is desperate to find Allies to lend at least a modicum of a reason besides his threats to Assad have been ignored..."Cross the Red Line" and......:)!This Chicago Con Man has no clue & refuses advice from those that do if it is not what he wants to hear! His past support of pure & straight out Terrorist Orgs, AQ & Muslim Brotherhood (Libya & Egypt) in which he assisted in the overthrow of Ghaddafi & Mubbarak are a bellwetheir if you will of this idiots "Foreign Policy". At least Mubbarak was somewhat of an Allie & he did somewhat keep the lid on the border stopping many weapons, explosives bound for Gaza. I seriously am worried about what is (or is not) running around this "Presidents" brain housing unit!

  2. I would think we have SSGNs on station somewhere in the world that can launch a Shock and Awe.

  3. Did we use an SSGN for Libya campaign?

    1. not really sure. the amount of Tomahawks fired in that campaign lead me to believe that at least one was involved though.

    2. I had thought I read once that it was the US Florida that launched something like 90 Tomahawks in the Libyan Campaign. I just can't remember where I read it.

    3. On 19 March 2011, 124 Tomahawk missiles[12] were fired by U.S. and British forces (122 US, 2 British)[citation needed] against at least 20 Libyan targets around Tripoli and Misrata.[13] As of 22 March 2011, 159 UGM-109 were fired by US and UK ships against Libyan targets.[14]

    4. Yes the Florida opened the Libyan campaign. Want to know why after for all those years of wanting a stealth strike aircraft the Navy has little interest F-35C now? There is your answer, the SSGN.

      Why fly your aircraft at air defenses when your SSGNs are undetectable?

  4. Is that part of the CONOP written two years ago floating around now?

  5. This is what I was reading two years ago concerning Syria: Syria


    I wonder if anybody at DoD or at the WH will?


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