Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Modest Proposal. A future Marine Air Wing designed to fight....

The Issue.
The Marine Air Wing is drifting away from its primary mission and evolving toward a separate force inside the Marines. If this is allowed then we will see fast jets ripped from the Marines and the loss of that type of airpower 'ala the US Army.  My proposal for a future air wing is pure fantasy but it would stop that from happening.

The Mission.
The mission will remain unchanged but will be strictly followed.  My air wing WILL support Marine Ground (and when called upon others) Forces and if necessary and upon direction support fleet functions.
Conduct air operations in support of the Marine forces to include Offensive air support, anti air warfare, assault support, aerial reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and control of aircraft and missiles. As a collateral function, the MAW may participate as an integral component of naval aviation in the execution of such other Navy functions as the Fleet Commander may direct.
The Makeup.

I would keep the AH-1Z.  I would keep a portion of the UH-1Ys and give the balance to either the USAF or the USMC reserve.  We would also give a portion of our MV-22s to the USAF for their rescue mission, a portion would remain with the reserve (for use when a big war arrives and for use  in the states for REAL national emergencies) and we would piggy back on Navy buys of the MH-60 to fill the balance of our lift requirements.  As things now stand we have an uber expensive MV-22 that is overkill for most missions and a light UH-1Y that doesn't give enough lift to support the remainder.  Additionally I would purchase the BattleHawk kits to provide us with additional firepower when necessary.  Couple a half dozen BattleHawks on board a MEU with the assigned AH-1Z and you have lift for your infantry battalion AND additional aerial firepower.  Out the box, add nothing, just take advantage of off the shelf capabilities.  We would cancel contracts for remaining MV-22s.  Advantage.  The USMC.

Fast Jets.
Contracts on the F-35 would be immediately canceled.  The AV-8B would be kept in service until 2030 (NAVAIR says that it could be viable after that date) and the Marines would immediately buy Super Hornets for the carrier mission.  Fusion with the US Navy Air Wing would be complete in every way.  Additionally we would buy E-18's for the electronic attack mission.  Upgrades to the Super Hornet would mirror Navy efforts and we would be aligned again with ir wing.  Lastly we would regain the ground support mission by trading those UH-1Ys and MV-22s that we gave to the Air Force for A-10C's.  All of them.  To include spare parts and support systems.  USAF techs would rough it on Marine Bases to get our personnel up to speed on the aircraft.

What does this get us?
It  might seem like a few modest changes but in essence it gets us alot.  First it gets the Air Wing back on its original mission.  Supporting Marine Ground Forces.  Everything else becomes secondary as it should be.

Fleet Air Defense?  Important and the Super Hornet will mesh well in that role but its not our primary focus.

USAF Air Tasking Order?  Important but since when has USMC air had the responsibility of deep strike?    When has deep interdiction been a Marine mission set?

It gets us out of the dream of being the air wing of SOCOM, being part of the USAF air battle etc....it also makes the Wing affordable and part of the team.

Current leadership is making their Marine Corps membership questionable.  Are they Marines or are they Airmen that happen to wear Marine Green?  My plan would end the wonder and enshrine them in their proper role.

IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE   The current and projected future Marine Air Wing is built on the premise of conducting beyond the horizon amphibious assaults without the aid of large deck carriers.  With the proliferation of anti-ship missiles with long range those plans along with the safety of the sea base (established 200nm off shore) are now in question.  The Air/Sea Battle takes into account the reality of the situation.  Marine Corps procurement should follow suit.  We've accepted the reality in the death of the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle and we should follow suit with the purchase of aircraft.