Sunday, October 05, 2014

US Army Apache Helicopters fly strike missions against ISIS.

via Marine Corps Times
WASHINGTON — Army pilots for the first time used an Apache attack helicopter to strike Islamist militant targets in Iraq over the weekend, according to a statement by CENTCOM.
On Oct. 4, “U.S. military forces used attack bomber, fighter and helicopter aircraft to conduct six airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq” the command said in a Sunday morning release, and a CENTCOM official confirmed to Defense News that the helicopter was an Army Apache attack helicopter, but would not specify where it flew from or what munitions it used.

I definitely don't think we're getting the real info on how the war is going against ISIS.

Its obvious that the Iraqi forces are as inept, stupid, and down right unprofessional as ever....why else would we now have to provide close air support--and make no mistake, thats exactly what this is.  You can label the Air Force effort up to this point as being an interdiction campaign.  But back to Iraqi forces....  You can't teach an idiot to drive a tank, fly a plane or defend his country.


  1. "AH-64 is twice as expensive as A-10, yet it lacks A-10s lethality, survivability and loiter time. In the First Gulf War, A-10 suffered 4 losses in 12.400 combat sorties, of which 3 were actual shootdowns and 1 was writeoff due to damage. 132 A-10s fired 5.000 Maverick missiles, dropped 40.000 bombs and made thousands of gun strafingf passes, firing over 1.000.000 rounds of ammunition. 274 AH-64s were used sparingly for first 39 days of the war due to their vulnerability to just about everything; in total, they launched 2.764 Hellfire missiles. In the Second Gulf War, between 2003 and 2007, A-10s suffered a single loss while 32 AH-64s and AH-1s were lost."

    via defenseissues blog.

  2. Coalition of oily assholes is still bombing oil instaliations and other more or less important instalations while Kobane where the ISIS is just short of over runing the kurds gets no support even tough they have plenty of targets to pick there . It just shows where priorities lie ,Kurds are being left on their own again.

    1. from what i've read that's Turkey's territory. they would need permission of the Turks to act and even more its TURKEY's responsiblity to deal with the terrorists that they cut loose and let into Syria.

      if you want to bash the US and this effort that's fine. just put out the facts before you do it.

  3. Solomon,do you have any news on the A-10s send to the Middle East?

  4. Ah!!! They using this monster to deal with ISIS … thats good … and you know these things will not sleep until they see the end of ISIS … ha-ha.. Am I over optimistic???? These things can cruise in a max speed of 279km/h and the ferry range and service ceiling of the helicopter
    are 1,900km and 6,400m and is fitted with the Longbow millimeter wave fire control radar and the Longbow Hellfire missile … these things enough to deal em ….


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