Friday, November 21, 2014

Modest Proposal. Revamp the IRST21 concept.

I believe I have the answer for the US Navy when it comes to getting the features of the Advanced Super Hornet, while at the same time gaining a better solution for their IRST21 pod.  

Consider this.  The above photos are of the Boeing enclosed weapons pod which is part of the Advanced Super Hornet concept.  A fabulous idea!  How do you make it better?  Well check out the pics below.

Those are pics of the IRST21/fuel tank.

How about you combine the IRST21 with the enclosed weapons pod instead of a fuel tank?  It should provide you increased range because you no longer are hanging missiles off gain the use of infra-red search and track...and you combine those two features into one program.

You would have to slam Lockheed Martin hard to make them work with Boeing... but it should be doable.  The concept for the IRST21 will need to be revamped.  Funding might have to be fought for again but I believe the benefits outweigh the headaches.

Lockheed Martin's IRST21 page.

Boeing's Advanced Super Hornet product card.