via WantChinaTimes
China's new VN12 armored infantry fighting vehicle has a similar design to Western armored vehicles as opposed to Russian models, according to the Kanwa Defense Review, a Chinese-language military magazine based in Canada.Read the article here.
Designed originally based on the Soviet-built BMP-3, the VN12 is the export version of China's ZBD-97 armored infantry fighting vehicle. The vehicle nonetheless looks very different from the ZBD-97, which was produced for domestic consumers. The original Russian-designed vehicle was not popular among foreign buyers, according to the report.
To attract more overseas consumers, Beijing-based China North Industries Corporation redeveloped the vehicle to fit a more Western look.
It appears that we're finally seeing Chinese armor development evolve away from Russian design influence.
I hope someone is keeping book on the different types of armor that the Chinese are putting into service. The advancement in aviation tech has been stunning. I contend that their advancements in armor tech has been even more stunning....and ignored.