Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Army seeks to expand AMPV production...

via IHS Janes.
AMPV-builder BAE Systems is scheduled to deliver 29 AMPVs by year’s end, and has delivered 17 so far (6 at Aberdeen Proving Grounds and 6 at Yuma Proving Grounds for testing), Jim Miller, BAE Systems’ director of business development for US combat vehicles, told reporters.

BAE Systems’ manufacturing facility in York, Pennsylvania, can annually produce about a brigade set of equipment (about 131 vehicles at current force structure levels) when operating at maximum capacity, Miller said.

The army has asked BAE Systems how many AMPVs could be built if the facilities were expanded.
Story here. 

Interesting.  Is it just me or does it appear that the Army is really beginning to act as if they're getting ready for something big.  APS for Abrams.  Anti-Air systems taking center stage.  JLTV being pushed along and armed with all manner of weapons.  Dragoon variant for Stryker and now the speeding up of the AMPV production is being investigated?

There is no money for all this right now so why the planning?  Its as if they're planning on either a massive influx of cash or they know that everything on the wish list will be green lighted.

Bullets won't beat butter in the current political landscape so that view must be about to change.

Army procurement plans alone tell me that war has to be coming...or at the very least an event that scares the living shit out of the American people.