Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Military Arms has a review coming of the Ruger PC 9mm Carbine!

militaryarmsAnother day at the office with a @rugersofficial PC 9mm Carbine. I’ve installed the Glock mag well (it comes with it) and I’ve put a @trijicon MRO on it with a @midwestindustries QD mount. A video is inbound! @coppercustom #triggerpuller #pewpew #guns #mac #2amendment #2a #molonlabe #tactical #firearms #merica #freedom #gunlife #shooting #militaryarms #military #gunporn @weaponsdaily @gunwebsites @gunchannels_ @brownellsinc @gunfreaks #brownells @cameraman.mac #goa #gunownersofamerica @forgedfromfreedom #forgedfromfreedom

I can't fucking wait to see Mac's review of this weapon!  Haven't been excited about a new offering in awhile but this one has me lusting after it.

Still don't like that fore-end.  Wonder why they made it a take down (was that really necessary?).  And that scout rifle type sight setup irks me to no end (really dude...everyone runs sometype of optic these days!).

But still...I'm intrigued!