Thursday, May 27, 2010

Amphibs. The most useful ships in the fleet.

SURABAYA, Indonesia (May 26, 2010) - Members of the Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL) Navy Band prepare to welcome USS Tortuga (LSD 46) to Indonesia to kick off Naval Engagement Activity (NEA) 2010. In its 16th year, NEA is part of the Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training series of bilateral exercises held annually in Southeast Asia to strengthen relationships and enhance force readiness. (U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Mike Morley)
Navy Partnership missions invariably include amphibious ships.  Despite their detractors, the amphib is the hardest working ship in the Navy.  But its useless without its Marine Contingent.  Many forget that and focus only on the ships themselves.  That is not only disingenuous but its also shortsighted.  This from the 7th Fleet.
“Naval Engagement Activity Indonesia plays an important role in our Navy’s maritime strategy of building global partnerships,” said Clemmons. “NEA is a great opportunity to build upon our pre-existing relationship with our Indonesian counterparts and to learn from each other what can be accomplished through our combined efforts.”

Training events held during NEA in Indonesia include search and rescue, flight deck familiarization, boarding exercises, medical and dental activities, an amphibious landing, salvage exercises as well as community service projects and performances by the U.S. 7th Fleet band Orient Express.

“The events planned for our NEA phase in Indonesia will help to promote our interoperability and foster better relationships with our Indonesian partners,” said Clemmons.
Do you notice that most of those events are directly related to the USS Tortuga and not the FFG or the T-ARS or the Coast Guard Cutter?

*Amphibious Landing---LSD-46
*Search and Rescue---All ships involved
*Medical and Dental Activities---LSD-46
*Boarding Exercises---LSD-46, FFG-48 and the Coast Guard Cutter
*Salvage Exercise---T-ARS
*Community Service---All ships involved

To be quite honest with the proper manning, the LSD could perform all these missions except the salvage exercise. 

The Amphib is the true multi-mission platform.