Thursday, May 27, 2010
EFV Blogger roundtable notes.
I'm listening to the bloggers roundtable ---initial impressions.....Col. Moore made the statement that the EFV will be the most capable Infantry Fighting Vehicle in US service and that it will surpass many of the attributes of the Bradley.
That's all well and good but I wonder about the employment of the vehicle. With the Bradley there was always a tension between its being a fighting vehicle and it being a battle taxi. A 30mm cannon makes the idea of hunting enemy vehicles and troops rather attractive.
But back to the roundtable...Bettina Chevania from Aviation Week and Greg Grant from DoD Buzz asked really good questions and I'll get a copy of the podcast up shortly. BUT! Remember my saying that "haters" would show up to simply bash the program? Well a person named Sandra filled that role nicely. It was quite obvious that she hadn't kept up with the program and knew little about it.
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