Friday, May 28, 2010

SecDef's Message reveals the truth on DADT.

The SecDef felt the need to talk to the troops about Congressional action on Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The very fact that he felt a need to make this statement tells anyone watching everything they need to know about this issue.

This isn't going to be as easy as the "intellectual" elite would have many believe. Have no doubt. This will cause trauma to an already over extended military. Careers will be lost and in the case of certain military units---assaults will occur. Proponents of the repeal of the current policy have obviously never served in a line unit.

Assaults will occur against suspected homosexuals--either in garrison or out in the field.

While homosexuality is fashionable and well accepted in the major cities of our nation, it isn't in the heartland of our nation. Many of the current and future members of our military are from this area.

The current policy makes sexual preference a non factor. To change that policy will only bring trouble....but that's my opinion.


Think Defence and Joe have put up a spirited defense of the actions of the Congress in this matter.  I still disagree.  It would seem that the majority of military bloggers do too.  I believe that is because (in the case of the bloggers) they're too close to the centers of power and are too urban in their beliefs.  It might also be because they are further away from the men and women that make the military work...instead they live and converse with those in the Pentagon and think tanks.

That limited a view can tilt ones thinking.  I can assure you that in the heartland, this is a very contentious subject.  I can also assure you that in the Marine Corps this is a very contentious subject.  My main question is this.  Why do this in the middle of two wars, with one going badly?  Now is NOT the time.  And if you have the audacity to ask me when, then my response would be later....much later.


Jon commented and gave an article from Danny Kaplan.  Its a good thing to know a bit about authors of articles.  The guy is basically a gay rights activist.  Read more about him his site.