Monday, May 24, 2010

USMC fields more lethal round.

via Marine Corps Times.
The round uses an open-tip match-round design common in sniper ammunition, and is considered “barrier blind,” meaning its aim stays truer through windshields, walls and other barriers. Initially, it was considered as a way to increase the lethality of Marines carrying the M4 carbine, which has less stopping power than the M16A4 because of its shorter barrel, but was approved for use in January with both rifles.
Outstanding.  The Marine Corps wisely stuck with the M-16A4 instead of going with the 'trendy' and 'fashionable' M4 (don't misunderstand me, I realize that the M4 is being issued to Officers and SNCO's and others in select positions)...but a Rifleman needs a Rifle, not a carbine.

PS.  Go to Marine Times to read the entire article.