Monday, June 21, 2010

22DDH. Japan's next Helicopter Carrier (LHD).

via DefPro.
Rumors that the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force’s third “aircraft carrying destroyer” would mark a major improvement in size and capability over the Hyuga class ships now entering service have been confirmed. The new 22DDH will be 248 meters long and 39 meters in beam, and displace more than 24,000 tons. This makes her almost 50 percent larger than the Hyuga class and places an unbearable semantic strain on the use of the term “destroyer” to describe these ships. To put the size of the ship into context, she is comparable with a World War II Essex-class fleet carrier.
That my friends is larger than the Mistral, Canberra and Cavour.  While the US Navy's Surface Officers are ready to move away from support of the Amphibious Fleet, other nations are embracing their utility.