Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And the French betrayal begins.

via RiaNovosti.

Russia's state arms exporter Rosoboronexport said Tuesday it had signed several contracts with the French defense firm Thales on the transfer of technology and delivery of communications equipment for Russian armored vehicles.
"The first contract involves transfer of technologies to Russia, which now will have the right to produce officially licensed thermal imagers at Vologda Optical and Mechanical Plant," said Igor Sevastyanov, Rosoboronexport deputy director general.
"The second contract provisionally allows Russia to bring in communications equipment for integration into Russian armored vehicles for testing," Sevastyanov said. He added that the communications equipment would be mounted on T-90 tanks and BMP-3 armored personnel carriers.
My problem with this is that this gear will eventually wind up in the hands of our enemies.  Whether its the Iranians or the Chinese, the Russians are a gateway supplier of advanced technology.

What should also give many PAK-FA fans pause is Russia even needing to procure this type of tech transfer...to even demand it in order to complete the buy of Mistral BPC's.

Are they truly capable of producing a 5th gen fighter if they can't even get communications gear into BMP-3's and T-90's?

photo from RiaNovosti.