For those that don't know...this is just another weekend for some Marines out on the town...this is an everyday big deal...until you consider that instead of happening out in town, its going to be happening on the base. In base housing. In barracks. Aboard ships. DADT repeal will be traumatic to the force.
via the Associated Press (from the Marine Corps Times)
Two Marines have been arrested on misdemeanor charges of assault.There are alot of pot smoking old timers and sissified men who have never served or even Chairmen who are approaching the end of their tenure and want to buttress their record against the fiasco in Afghanistan who are for the repeal of DADT.
Savannah police say a police officer was patrolling early Saturday morning when he saw two men running on Congress Lane. The Savannah Morning News reports that moments later, 26-year-old Kieran Daly was found lying motionless on a nearby street.
The Marines, 22-year-old Keil Joseph Cronauer and 23-year-old Charles Stanzel were arrested a short time later, police say. According to police, Cronauer and Stanzel said they were trying to get away from a gay man who was harassing them.
According to police, Daly said one of the suspects hit him because he thought he was winking at him.Police records state Cronauer and Stanzel were later released to Marine police.
If you do favor repeal, then you have to understand that the Marine Corps is the land of testosterone and bad attitudes. People will get hurt.