Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Chinese are stealing F-35 weapons?

This photo is from the China Defense Blog.

I looked at the pic and to be honest the first thought that crossed my mind was that the weapons under the aircraft look like they were taken straight from the original F-35 brochure.  The author disagrees (he was quite polite...this is no flame war or an "intervention" just a couple of blogger with differing opinions)...having said all that, am I right or are these actually Chinese weapon systems that I've misidentified?


  1. The (green) air-to-ground stuff is definately US - JDAMs, Paveways and CBUs - and so are the grey Stormshadow and JASSM. The AAMs are Chinese, mostly PL-8 and -9 Sidewinder-ish and the Sparrow-like PL-10.

    China uses variants of early Israeli AAMs mixed with Russian ones, with air-to-ground stuff a fun bag of different hybrid designs, so it's always difficult to accurately ID them.

    But in this case it's clearly a cut & paste job.

  2. We're stealing their weapons. The Chinese invented rockets.

  3. that's silly and you know it. why pull my chain today?

  4. Whew. I thought you were pulling a "Turkey" on me...smiling in my face, and then stabbing me (and the West) in the back!


    You can clearly identify a few from that diagram that have just been cut and pasted out. Stormshadow and JASSM are the easiest to spot and least likely to be a similar looking Chinese bomb.

  6. i am wondering, what is the capability of chinese precision guided weapons? we know they have put alot of resources into missiles, but what about guided bombs?


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