Many have criticized the consolidation in the defense industry (myself included) but with the proliferation of different weapon systems and vehicles from even the limited manufacturers in this segment, its obvious that even more consolidation is on the horizon.Taking advantage of its experience in the field of Remote Weapon Stations with more than 630 units already contracted within the frame of several acquisition programs - some of them being deployed in Lebanon and Afghanistan -, FN Herstal announces the introduction of the newly developed deFNder™ medium remote weapon station that provides optimized remote firing capabilities while keeping the operator fully secure and safe from harm.The deFNder™ is capable of integrating any FN Herstal machine gun up to .50 cal, including the exclusive M3P machine gun, which has a unique firing rate of 1,100 rounds per minute and features extended operation angles [-42°; +73°]. The deFNder™ is therefore well suited for:
- self-defense, fire support and combat missions – also in urban environments – when mounted on light, medium or heavy vehicles
- turret onto turret applications
- border control or critical infrastructure protection missions.
The deFNder™ features a universal cradle accepting any FN machine gun from 5.56mm MINIMI up to .50 cal or 40mm AGLs. The cradle is mounted on a soft mount to ensure optimized firing capabilities and reduced level of shocks and vibrations. The weapon station does not exceed 120 kg in weight (without weapon and ammunition) and 640mm in height. It comes standard with a CCD and thermal uncooled camera.
Consolidation and savage down sizing.
We definitely live in interesting times.