Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Forgotten Concepts. Cormorant UAV.

The US military has a history of pushing forward exciting new concepts and then letting them die on the vine.  The Cormorant UAV is one such concept.  This from Aviation Week...back in 2005!
A new contract to Lockheed Martin marks the beginning of a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency program to study the feasibility of deploying an unmanned aerial vehicle from submarines, a DARPA spokeswoman said.
The UAV, called Cormorant, after the sea bird, would "provide close air support for vessels such as the Littoral Combat Ship and SSGN," a specialized version of the Trident ballistic missile submarine, Jan Walker said. "This is the very first award ... this is the beginning of the program," she said.
Its aim, she said, is to "explore concepts that launch from both the sea surface and submarines."
But since then not a word, not an official update on the program.  You can read the Lockheed Martin page on the program here.

Amazing.  The video advertisement is exciting and if it could deliver just half of what is on it then subs would become a viable part of Air-Sea Battle.  A very viable part.