Thursday, June 17, 2010

Christopher F. Foss on the Ground Combat Vehicle.

via Janes.
Combat weight could be more than 60 tonnes because of the high levels of protection required as a result of operational experience in Iraq and more recently Afghanistan. With such a heavy platform, there will be constraints as to where the vehicle can be deployed. It is expected that the GCV will be fitted with a remote-controlled turret armed with a 30/40mm ATK MK44 cannon and a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun.
I am so happy to see the "experts" finally weighing in on this concepts extreme weight.  Foss is the first of (I believe others will join him) many voices raising concerns about the strategic mobility of this vehicle.

As a side note, I wasn't aware that the Puma was 42 tons...a better option might be to simply upgrade Bradley's.  This GCV concept is sounding more and more like a terrible idea.