Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Greg Grant of Defense Tech nails it!

Wow, read the whole thing over at Defense TechGreg nails the real reason behind this melt down.

“He was tired of being the victim of what he believes is a concerted effort on behalf of Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry and others to undermine everything he was given 18 months to do. He was tired of being perceived in the press as a neoconservative killer, Dick Cheney’s hired assassin, or disloyal to President Obama and his staff. He was angry at being blamed for leaking the draft of his report to the President to Bob Woodward. (He did NOT leak the document). He was miffed that a large number of mid-ranking soldiers and battalion commanders and enlisted guys didn’t support his strategy.
Commenter Ran corrected my incorrect attribution of the above statement.  Apologizes to all.  Read the comments section to get the relevant information.