Saturday, June 12, 2010

Infantry Gear.

One of the issues that will face the ground forces when the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan finally wind down is that money that has been going to make sure that our Infantry is the best and most lavishly equipped in the world will go away.

That is one (of only a few) good things to come out of these conflicts.  The advancement in gear tech has been ... stunning.

ADS Inc. is a 'clearing house'...a one stop shop if you will, of gear that units can make purchases from without going through the headache of tracking down each individual vendor.

Which leads to another unforeseen economic shock that will be hitting soon so enjoy the wide variety while you can.  Fewer personnel and smaller budgets will mean that many of the companies highlighted in the brochures below won't be around.

Army Catalog Vol3 Lores 0709