Sunday, June 13, 2010

Purge before the cuts.

via Sky News.

Speaking to The Sunday Times, the new Defence Secretary Liam Fox revealed the Chief of the Defence Staff - as well as the Ministry of Defence's top civil servant, Sir Bill Jeffrey, are both to leave their jobs at the same time later this year.
The Government is currently conducting a Strategic Defence Review (SDR) about the future of the British forces.
The paper said the clean sweep at the top is intended to improve the military's performance on the Afghan front line, as well as cutting Whitehall waste.
If I were to guess, I'd say that the good General didn't quite get on board with planned cuts or the direction of military forces in Afghanistan.

That leads me to believe that the cuts are going to be deeper than the Chief of Defense Staff wanted and the posture in Afghanistan is probably going to be biased toward reduced casualties.

Either way its bad news for the Afghans and General McChrystal.  Now we know why Gates said that progress had to be shown by the end of the year...our allies are packing bags...they haven't left yet, but they're getting ready.