Friday, July 02, 2010

Freaking unbelievable.

The UK newspaper the "Sun" has published video of a British soldier being shot and have posted a transcript of the conversation between him and another trooper at probably the most vulnerable period in this young man's life.

Now do you understand why I despise the media?  This is bullshit.


  1. this kind of thing happens all the time so it goes unnoticed. UK forces have a love hate relationship with the press (the Sun is a Murdoch news international Fox News paper)

    Everyone hates them and they think we love them!

    Its all 'our brave boys' but they are only too happy to report a few soldiers have one too many and getting into a fight

  2. yeah i get you ThinkDefence, but just to be clear, i don't care who owns the newspaper, its bullshit nonetheless.

    the reporter, should have been punched in the face by a trooper then and there.

    the command should have seized the video and not allowed it out of country. you just don't do this.

    but to be honest we had a similar incident with a Marine but corrected it...the public was outraged by images of a dying young man in uniform being broadcast. how is public opinion in the UK?

  3. I remember reading about that, i think the clear difference is the outcome.

    The MoD are pretty good with stuff like this, very clear protocols and well practiced so I can only think it was approved by all concerned, the wounded guy included.

    There was something a few weeks ago that you might have seen, the longest sniper shot story. A great story and very interesting but I think there were some very worrying persec issues, especially as other service personnel and there families have been threatened by south asian descended citizens

    In terms of public opinion, I would say it has never been more on the side of the services since WWII.

    Do a google on 'wooton basset or 'help for heroes' to see the depth of public support

    The papers are just jumping on the bandwagonm but wasnt it ever so?

  4. if you want to see something that is bs, have a look here

    and my reaction here

    get ready to bust a gasket!!

    its on its way over to you


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