Monday, July 19, 2010

Northrop Grumman G/ATOR coming to a theater you might deploy in!


  1. Since when do you secure a hot beachhead by sending in a radar FIRST? Dumb ass.

    Cruise missile, fighter jet and artillery? Wrong. Try spec op, marine mine and cyber-attack.

  2. uh....since when does a v-22 fly into contest air space you fucked up moron????

    obviously the AAV's and EFV's have already secured the shoreline and are pushing inland. the air wing is coming ashore in the follow on echelon and in that context this makes perfect sense.

    get a life you sanctimonious asshole. you know nothing and you really need to find another home on the net.

  3. first the video is kind of anachronistic, it shows the USS Saipan which has already been decommissioned with the hulls DDG-1000 which will only have 3 adn not commissioned for several years.

    that tidbit aside i this radar looks great but why is it not given its own air defense like the ground baseed AMRAAM?

  4. not sure about that one Joe.

    from what i understand the Marines were suppose to be in line for the SLAMRAMM but I don't know if its still a viable program or not.

    Air Defense Artillery is kind of a dying specialty as far as the ground forces are concerned. As a matter of fact i think only the LAR battalions have an organic capability and i think that's only at the division level.

    i'll have to check and get back to you on that one.

  5. well i understand and considering the air superiority (supremacy?) we will have it may be a less important program but i do think there should be atleast token ground launch AA components just in case.

  6. Joe & Sol,
    Some info: Raytheon's been working on SLAMRAAM under DOD contract since 2001 (USMC as CLAWS) and 2004 (Army as SLAMRAAM), but the Kongsberg-integrated system known as NASAMs (also using Raytheon's SLAMRAAM tech) is already in place in several countries.

    DID, as always, has excellent coverage:

  7. Missed one important link...

  8. thanks, i actually think ground air defense should be explored more, like the bomber missions russia is flying now, instead of wasting air time of our F22s we should place a few PACs on the western coast of alaska and send a note to russia telling them where they are and just say "Dare YA!"

  9. Sol,
    I don't think we have much of anything left, ADA-wise. LAV-AD's are gone, HAWK's are gone (Army got rid of Linebackers too). Avengers and Patriots, and the USMC doesn't have Patriots. Guess we rely on the AEGIS ships or the Army giving us Patriot units. Good plan.
    I couldn't find and current info on CLAWS/SLAMRAAM. It's all 4 or 5 years old.

  10. Wow. that's news to me ... Thanks Sgt. C.!

    we've lost our organic ADA!! that's insane. i think we've already cut a bit past the muscle into the bone if we've done that.

  11. Found something interesting.


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