Perhaps this is the best kept secret in the Navy. LSD's and LPD's can (in a high density operation) almost rival the first Iwo Jima Class LHA's in the number of helicopters they can carry.
The mini-ARG concept can work but it will require a careful balancing of assets and the LPD-17 class should be the centerpiece of the effort.
With this in mind it might make sense to re-class the LHD and especially the USS America Class LHA's as Amphibious Assault Carriers, limit our buy of them and fill them only with F-35s.
Imagine an amphibious fleet of 4 America Class Amphibious Assault Carriers with the balance of the ships being LPDs and LSDs. You could have reinforced companies all over the place and a forward presence that the Navy has been clamoring for.
Protection could be an issue but a Burke Class destroy to accompany each Mini-ARG should be sufficient for operations other than war.
I think I've hit on something.