Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The real war? Between the Army and the Air Force...the Marines and Navy are bit players.

Scoop Deck has a story on the New York Times editorial which recommends cutting the Air Force and Navy.  Beautiful.  Read it here.  Also note the spirited defense by McGrath.  Amazing but predictable.  The war in Afghanistan isn't even won yet he's ready to gut land forces!  Wow.

Why do I still hear the whispers of Rumsfeld's "Transformation" in the Air-Sea Battle concept?  Is it because certain think tankers are deluding themselves about the type of combat we'll see in the future?  Insurgents...Internal Defense Missions...Training of Foreign Military....the classic 3-block war...that's the future.  Push button combat using UAV's, hi-tech bombers and such is a fantasy.  

1 comment :

  1. The most important weapon of all is the soldier. It will continue to be so until a SF replacement will be available :-). Leaving joke aside, it is clear that no matter the nature of future conflicts, it's not enough to have the technology and the weapons if you don't have the right people to use them.


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