Saturday, November 13, 2010

Deficit Commission Report. A poorly flown trial balloon.

Old Bill and his buddy Goon got all hot and excited about the Deficit Commission report that was leaked to the press.

A much closer look and a reading of the political tea leaves reveal something a bit more stark.

It was a poorly flown trial balloon and most of the cuts won't see the light of day.  That's not to say that the US will not follow the lead of Europe and choose the comfort of its citizens over their protection, its just to say that some of these cuts in general and the ones to the F-35 in particular are probably not going to happen.

It was fun, but its time for the anti- F-35 folks to crawl back into their caves and think of a new plan to kill the airplane...this one is a non-starter.

The draft, laid out in detail to commission members during two closed-door, hours-long sessions, spares virtually no "sacred cow" programs, proposing dramatic changes to Social Security, once called the "third rail" of politics, pushes for limits to Medicare, axes the popular mortgage interest deduction in favor of lower income tax rates for all, freezes Defense Department salaries and bonuses for three years and noncombat pay at 2011 levels for the same period, and the list goes on.
Sen. Kent Conrad, D-ND, a commission member, did not sound confident that 14 of the 18 members could agree on any proposal in order to move it to a vote in Congress. "We've had trouble getting 14 people to agree on what time of the day to meet," the Budget Committee Chairman said.


  1. Maybe if someone had gone forward with the 'AV-22' concept it might have driven the V-22 price down. Same engines, wing, and tail with just a new body. Could have reaplced both the AV-8 and AH-1.

  2. Old Goony has a severe identity crisis doesn't he? He has forgotten how many times he has "outed himself" as "DamaclesIam" (I also noted the incorrect spelling of "Damacles" (Damocles...) and for someone who professes to "teach" it is VERY poor academic form to be quoting Wiki as a resource, but never mind, if he wishes to embarrass himself continually, so be it...

  3. yeah i don't quite get the guy. but worse are his hangers ons...people that i would expect to know better but go with it anyway.


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