Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Weep and Whine Haters...the F-35B lives!

This via Bloomberg (read the entire article here)

Defense Secretary Robert Gates will recommend giving the Marine Corps as much as two additional years to develop its version of Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35 fighter to correct technical and manufacturing glitches that have delayed testing, according to two defense officials.
Gates told General James Amos, the Marine Corps commandant, of the decision in a Dec. 3 meeting on the fiscal 2012 budget, according to the officials, who asked not to be identified because the session wasn’t public.
We won't get our birds in 2012 but the Harrier will do until then...good news...now we just have to save the EFV and all is well in procurement.


  1. Lord be praised things are looking up

  2. I agree, VTOL is the future! The USMC are finally going to have some nice new toys, MV-22, EFV, F-35B, M27 IAR. Did I mention the LPD-21 USS New York! All of this, is the future, our fighting men and woman really need it! Good for them! I'm really surprised the UK dropped this version, I guess everybody is broke right now. Either way, the F-35B is vital!!! These defense contractors really need to get on the ball, and work more closely with our armed forces, not rob them, I mean us!


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