Saturday, December 04, 2010

Your Saturday Sci-Fi

Hey forgive me...I'm buying my son video games and new anime.


  1. LOL, nice change of pace. Just to be sure however, Jin Roh is NOT kid certified anime, pretty dark stuff, not sure how old your kid is but something like One Piece (my personal favorite) or Soul Eater would be a bit more appropriate. Cheers

  2. i haven't even watched it...thanks for the heads up...

  3. Try Appleseed as well
    very cool, not as dark as Jin Roh

  4. Jin Roh is one of my favorite anime of all time, me being a fan of the genre for quite some time now. But, as Ron said, is not really stuff for kids. As for Appleseed and Appleseed Ex Machina they are softer so to speak, so more appropriate. You can try the Final Fantasy movies, Sritis Within and Advent Children, they're nice too.
    I understand that some Star Wars game will arrive in 2011 for the Kinect X-Box sensor. It should be interesting

  5. Best SciFi/Game Machinima Ever - Civil Patrol.

    Favourite episode: CP2 Aliens. Anyone who ever played Half Life 2 should get a kick out of this.

    Have a good weekend all.

  6. You are lying, Solomon, you are not buying for your son.I use the same excuse with my grandnephews.

  7. great suggestion all...i appreciate them....and hey if i can get a two-fer, my son can play and i can too where's the harm??? ;))

    oh and i'll definitely aim for a softer type of anime.....why pic one...i'll get them all (that you guys suggested) and embargo Jin Roh for just me....

  8. Did someone say "The Old Republic"? Ah, those were the days:
    There was always new thunder for the USAF on the assembly line and on the drawing boards. Now it's a shopping mall.


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