Sunday, January 09, 2011

The Gay Tailhook...

Information Dissemination has articles here and here which cover the 'professional' response to the Capt Honors incident.

I can't help but think that this is the Gay version of Tailhook...what do I mean by that?

1.  This incident (the timing is suspicious) has alot of smoke, bluster and accusations...but the only party that appears to be offended by them are people outside the military (yes I know many politically correct spokesmen...including the Chairman are coming out against Capt Honors but the rank and file seem to have shrugged and moved on) and the Gay community.

2.  It is being used as means to further a cause.  In '91 it was used to get Women into combat, this is being used to push forward the repeal of DADT speed up the implementation of open service.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying that this wasn't an incredibly stupid thing for a Capt in the Navy to have done.  But we should recognize that this is the first casualty of this new policy.

And mark my words...if they can take down a Navy Capt then no one is safe...Keep quiet, don't express your opinion and go with the flow.

Deal with it guys...oh and get ready to attend a whole bunch of sensitivity meetings.

Articles on this story are to be found here, and here ...