My message to them...
Let it go.
The time to fight isn't after its been canceled...its before it got to this point.
My previous statements stand...with a few added bits after some thought today.
1. Kill the EFV in total. A token buy of a few hundred (I've heard the number 200) will be a waste of resources, will hugely expensive and will not serve a worthwhile purpose. We need a vehicle that can be used everywhere, all day long. A specialized vehicle (which is what such a small vehicle buy would make it) isn't worth the money, effort or even the dollars it would take to make it workable.
2. Don't even think about the Marine Personnel Carrier. Close that shop down. We don't have the money and we don't need funds diverted to a questionable vehicle.
3. Get out of the JLTV program. The budget war has been declared...its upgrade the Humvee time.
I don't know what the future holds but the ground side of the Marine Corps' house is in disarray. All kinds of foolish ideas are being forwarded...
Loose the well decks because they're unnecessary! WTF!
Adopt smaller, less capable amphibs! WTF!
Adopt the Stryker or a similar wheeled vehicle! WTF!
All of the above are non-answers to this very important problem. The nay-sayers have carried the day---this time, but we need to not retreat but to reload! Amphibious Assault is too important for us to do anything else.