Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rapidly fielding the MPC.

How can we push forward a rapid fielding of the Marine Personnel Carrier?

We tag the purchase to the US Army's Stryker program and we kill a couple of birds with one stone.

BAE SEP Alligator
CV 90 Armadillo
First, while I would love the modularity that the SEP could bring to the table... while I'm intrigued by the idea of ignoring wheels and going with tracks with the CV90 Armadillo and while the French VBCI and the German Boxer all seem like capable vehicles...we need this quick...
French VBCI
German Boxer
The answer is the Piranha IIIC.

Its amphibious (on lakes and streams)...

Its has a degree (slight) of modularity...

Its in the same family as the Army Stryker...

Its a proven design in service with the Brazilian Marine Corps and the Romanian Army as well as several other armed forces worldwide.

If you want this done quickly then you select the vehicle that you want and write the requirements to fit it (sorta like the USAF did with the A-300 in the Tanker competition).

Its doable, its quick and it'll get a vehicle that our Marines need sooner rather than later.  Remember, a lack of urgency led to the EFV failure.