Defense News has info on the upcoming RFI on the AAV Replacement. Pretty heady stuff. Follow the link to read the whole thing but here are the basics.
* The ability to autonomously deliver a Marine infantry squad from an amphibious ship to shore a minimum distance of 12 nautical miles, at "a speed to enable the element of surprise in the buildup ashore." The notice acknowledges that a high rate of speed "may prove to be unaffordable."If General Dynamics were smart, they'd just redo the EFV without hydraulics and moving treads and just toss the de-teched version at the Marines.
* Protection against direct and indirect fire, mines and improvised explosive devices. The protection can be modular, "applied incrementally as the situation dictates."
* Employ open architecture principles to rapidly integrate new technologies, and be reconfigurable to carry out alternative roles, including operation of heavy mortars or rockets, and logistic or medical evacuation missions.
* Be powerful enough to engage and destroy similar vehicles, provide direct fire support to dismounted infantry and maneuver with M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks.
As a matter of fact I wonder why they are even opening this up to bid---single source it and get the simplified vehicle into the fleet.