Sunday, February 13, 2011

CB-90 in US action.

Marcase sent me these photos. Thanks guy.

Funny thing is I remembered seeing them but just couldn't place...a quick Google and what do I find?

A Huffington Post article on a bio-fueled combat boat.

The US - freaking - Navy is testing bio-fueled boats instead of trying to get its act together when it comes to littoral combat.  Yes, I've heard the stories about US Military fuel usage but still....AMAZING.  A low density asset that should be off the coast of Africa chasing pirates is instead in San Diego taking glamour shots....AMAZING!


  1. Don't let greenies at Aries hear you making comments like that, when they are gushing over the President's greenie initiatives for the military.

    Paul McLeary didn't appreciate it when I said, "Let's just buy a whole bunch of electric vehicles for the federal government and military so the President has more leverage pushing his electric car initiative." in response to the Marines purchasing green(actually painted green with greenie decals)electric trucks.

  2. USAF is likewise in the process of switching to 50/50 blend of biofuel and normal aircraft fuel for its entire fleet. Those who fails to make the switch will be further tied down to oil politics in foreseeable future.

  3. In the last decade, the Air Force certified its fleet to fly using the so called, coal-to-liquids fuels. However, the service abandoned efforts to use coal-based blends operationally after questions arose over how environmentally friendly any fuel based on coal can really be.

    Read more:

    Says it all.

  4. The switch is NOT to aimed to be "environment friendly" -

    but to be less dependent fossil fuel/Middle East entanglement.

    The 50/50 & coal-to-liquids fuels are entirely different things.

  5. this is the prototype CB-90 bought by USN and now is relegated to RCB-X designation i.e. test boat. I will send real combat boat photos

  6. We have so much coal here that we are exporting it to China. How come the greenies won't let us use it even if it helps the AF become energy independent?

  7. Fuzzy facts, fuzzy politics.

    Obviously Drake the brownie can't see beyond the 'sizable pile' of coal in his backyard.

    Checkmate in 10 years for whoever still depends exclusively on fossil fuel for energy.

  8. @ Drake1

    Two words for brownies: keep digging.

  9. Our USA is taken away by these green gays and fairys. I want my country and Reagen back!!!

    Watch our real leader Glenn Beck at Foxnews!

    semper fi
    T. McQueen, Lt. Col.(USMC) Ret.

  10. annonymous...

    i loved that TV show!

    Space above and beyond was funny.

  11. That is clearly not San Diego in the background. Try Norfolk in Hampton Roads.

  12. you want a cookie anonymous?


    carry your ass elsewhere.

  13. It's not so much the "oil = bad" crowd that has me worried, but the rise of China that will have a profound impact on western oil consumption.

    China will very soon be screaming for oil for both its transportation needs and industrial products, and the West in general will have a helluva challenge competing with China on that.

    Beijing isn't hampered by human rights and other political/environmental issues - communist China is the ultimate capitalist and buys regardless of dictatorships or perceived 'wrong' political colored governments.
    Oil prices are going to rise and there's not much the West can do about it.

    Having alternative fuels, be it algae or coal based, seems a sound strategy.


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