Friday, February 25, 2011

Mud Ops.

Photos by Lance Cpl. Reece Lodder 

Amphibious assault vehicles with AAV Platoon, Combat Assault Company, 3rd Marine Regiment, send mud flying as they tear up invasive pickleweed in the Nuupia Pond Wildlife Management Area during the 29th annual Mud Ops exercise on Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Feb. 23. The 29-year-long Mud Ops tradition partnered AAV Platoon Marines with the base Environmental Compliance and Protection Department to prepare the 517-acre area for the upcoming breeding season of the endangered Hawaiian stilt bird species, which lasts from March until September.

Lance Cpl. Michael Haus, an amphibious assault vehicle crewman with AAV Platoon, Combat Assault Company, 3rd Marine Regiment, sits near the front of his AAV and watches as others tear up invasive pickleweed in the Nuupia Pond Wildlife Management Area during the 29th annual Mud Ops exercise on Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Feb. 23. The 29-year-long Mud Ops tradition partnered AAV Platoon Marines with the base Environmental Compliance and Protection Department to prepare the 517-acre area for the upcoming breeding season of the endangered Hawaiian stilt bird species, which lasts from March until September.

The spinning track of an amphibious assault vehicle with AAV Platoon, Combat Assault Company, 3rd Marine Regiment, sends mud flying as it tears up invasive pickleweed in the Nuupia Pond Wildlife Management Area during the 29th annual Mud Ops exercise on Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Feb. 23. The 29-year-long Mud Ops tradition partnered AAV Platoon Marines with the base Environmental Compliance and Protection Department to prepare the 517-acre area for the upcoming breeding season of the endangered Hawaiian stilt bird species, which lasts from March until September.

The spinning tracks of an amphibious assault vehicle with AAV Platoon, Combat Assault Company, 3rd Marine Regiment, sends mud flying as it tears up invasive pickleweed in the Nuupia Pond Wildlife Management Area during the 29th annual Mud Ops exercise on Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Feb. 23. The 29-year-long Mud Ops tradition partnered AAV Platoon Marines with the base Environmental Compliance and Protection Department to prepare the 517-acre area for the upcoming breeding season of the endangered Hawaiian stilt bird species, which lasts from March until September.

Lance Cpl. Michael Haus, an amphibious assault vehicle crewman with AAV Platoon, Combat Assault Company, 3rd Marine Regiment, picks debris off an AAV after it tore up invasive pickleweed in the Nuupia Pond Wildlife Management Area during the 29th annual Mud Ops exercise on Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Feb. 23. The 29-year-long Mud Ops tradition partnered AAV Platoon Marines with the base Environmental Compliance and Protection Department to prepare the 517-acre area for the upcoming breeding season of the endangered Hawaiian stilt bird species, which lasts from March until September.

Lance Cpl. Juan Lopez, an amphibious assault vehicle crew chief with AAV Platoon, Combat Assault Company, 3rd Marine Regiment, looks on as Sgt. Pedro Guerrero, 1st section leader, AAV Platoon, provides instruction to his driver, AAV crewman Lance Cpl. Michael Haus, during the 29th annual Mud Ops exercise on Marine Corps Base Hawaii's Nuupia Pond Wildlife Management Area, Feb. 23. The 29-year-long Mud Ops tradition partnered AAV Platoon Marines with the base Environmental Compliance and Protection Department to prepare the 517-acre area for the upcoming breeding season of the endangered Hawaiian stilt bird species, which lasts from March until September.