Saturday, February 26, 2011

Royal Navy Admirals Strike Back.

via the Daily Telegraph.

The operational and financial arguments for maintaining the Harrier in favour of the Tornado are clear to us and to the wider defence community. We therefore wish to bring to your attention a cost-effective option for retaining some Tornadoes and some Harriers, the latter under Royal Naval command, and both in reduced numbers

One thing has me curious about all this.  The RAF dismantled and scrapped the Nimrods in a matter of days.  The Harriers remain available.

I don't know if this is part of a larger plan on the part of the MoD in regards to its civilian leadership...a gentleman's agreement between the RAF and RN or what but something just doesn't give.  Oh and the thought that they're selling a few aircraft on E-Bay (or rather were) doesn't add up either.

Strange happenings over in the UK and I don't have any visibility on what its about.  This bears watching.

Oh and read the entire article.  Gloves are coming off.