Talk about being taken to the woodshed and coming out with their mind right!
Well in the words of a famous movie...
ELP had a failure to communicate---I wonder if he spent a night in the box!
First the author of ELP Defens(c)e Blog wrote this...
ELP Defens(c)e Blog is in favor of the F-35?????Well in the short span of one day he's come out with these posts!Now that the latest USAF gathering in Orlando–which in recent years doesn’t
produce much of anything–is over, we can have the week of wild alternatives
for the USAF fighter roadmap. How to fix a force structure in the coming
years of shrinking budgets? Well, we need ideas. And these will be thrown
around mostly for entertainment purposes. And when I state “shrinking
budgets”, I mean real bad stuff. All plans will assume the stupids in D.C.
let F-22 production close.
Plan one.
The F-35 program will be composed of 20 Fighter Groups. Each group will have
one squadron of 24 F-35B STOVL aircraft. They will be procured at 48 per
year for 10 years. This does not count extras for test, training and
development. This will support 10 AEFs and allow for home air defense of the
most basic kind.
A-10s stays as-is. Refurb as much and as many times as needed.
I'm not going to say group think or accuse the writer of falling victim to peer pressure but I will say that the turn around is remarkable.