Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Aviation Neck Down Strategy tossed without an after thought.

Proper planning prevents piss poor performance.

The USMC had such a plan.

Aviation was to be an all STOVL force.

The Navy didn't like it but oh well ... eat fish heads and rice and suck it up big boys....

That's what a GRUNT Commandant would have told the big Navy...Congress...and anyone else involved/concerned about Marine Corps procurement.

That's not whats happening now.

Read this ...from Defense Tech.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos confirmed today that the Marines are looking to operate some F-35C carrier variant Joint Strike Fighters. This is a big deal. If the Corps buys C, it will solidify the future of fixed wing tactical jets in the Corps if the troubled B-model gets axed. It also shows that Marine Corps aviators will keep flying long-legged (I mean long-range) strike jets off big deck aircraft carriers.
This sucks on too many levels.

It gives the vociferous critics of the B model new ammo.

It ignores the work of previous commandants that set a roadmap for future Marine Corps procurement.

Its done without explanation.  This makes no sense at all.  If we're not moving to an all STOVL force then why not procure F/A-18EF's now?  It would lower costs, receive Congressional support and serve as a bridge to the JSF.  Is this going to increase the costs of the B model?  It why do it at all?  This is idiotic! 

B's only!