Sunday, March 06, 2011

British SAS captured???


I can't imagine how this happened. On this one, I'll wait to hear the details before I comment.


  1. If this report is true and it seems to be gaining credence,then whoever sanctioned this op are complete idiots.
    They have just handed Ghadaffi a huge propaganda coup in that the 'The West' are to be seen as interfering in the politics of a foreign country and it will be claimed intervening militarily.
    No doubt we will never know who made this decision as it will be deemed 'not in the public interest' to be divulged.

  2. This will also complicate things for the captured Dutch Lynx crew...

  3. I think this might be being a bit overplayed, they probably thought that shooting their way out of a difficult situation and therefore making things 1000 times worse was probably not the best thing to do.

  4. this is going to complicate things for everyone.

    i don't see how the west can properly aid the rebels if this is there reaction...

    the feeling of 'leave them alone and let them sort it out' is going to gain traction with this kind of reception.

  5. one thing on this Think Defence is the idea that the SAS would perform this type of mission.

    if a few rebels were able to 'capture them' and i'm positive thats NOT the right word then why were they even sent on this mission in the first place.

    i definitely need more info, but it appears that the intelligence was flawed.


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