Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Marines Deploy to Med for Libyan Crisis

via Military.com
About 400 Marines are deploying from the U.S. to the Mediterranean where they'll be stationed aboard the U.S Navy warships while the U.S. continues to consider its response to the rebellion in Libya.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates said at a Pentagon press conference that the amphibious assault ship Kearsarge and the amphibious transport dock ship Ponce "will provide us with the capability for both emergency evacuations and . . . humanitarian relief."
Kearsarge deployed about 1,400 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit to Afghanistan last month.
Hmm.  A Battalion (-)  to conduct this mission?

Seems like we could be witnessing the first operational "Company Landing Team."

This could get real interesting.

Even a humanitarian effort would be challenging...also be on the look out for these CLT (+) (reinforced) to operate in a dispersed fashion.