Monday, March 28, 2011

An Open Letter to Lockheed Martin and the JSF Program Office.

Hey all.  If you aren't aware (what rock have you been hiding under), Bill over at ARES has an article covering the generator failure of the F-35 during a test flight a couple of weeks ago.  Take the time to read that one and this one too.  I challenged Bill to invite the JSF Program Office and Lockheed Martin to write a rebuttal to his article (and Graham's too by extension). 

It appears that he's declined.  

With that in mind I decided to pen a letter to both offices.  Below is a copy of what I sent them.


I'm sure its come to your attention that Bill Sweetman, Editor in Chief of Defense Technology International and a renowned Aviation Writer, has penned several articles critical of the F-35.

Many supporters of this program have sat back in amazement at the lack of response to many of his assertions.  The only rebuttal to his claims (to my knowledge) came from former Chief Test Pilot Jon Beasely during an interview that made its way onto YouTube.

His latest claims however, demand a statement from your offices and I would gladly welcome one either at my website or even better through Aviation Week's Blog - ARES.  

In this case.

On this issue.

Silence is not golden.

Very Respectfully,

Quite honestly, in the realm of the defense blogosphere, I'm a guppy.  I've experience tremendous growth over the last year (THANKS GUYS!) but to be honest BLACKFIVE or Information Dissemination would probably get a so sure.  But we'll see.