Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thoughts on the Air War in Libya.

Just some things that have me wondering....

1.  Special Forces is on the  ground identifying targets.  The Coalition forces are beyond worried about collateral damage...they're scared silly.  So how do you de-conflict an area?  You get Special Ops to call the ball.  Additionally many have speculated that the Rebels shot down their own airplane...we can't have that nonsense with Coalition forces so Special Ops being on the ground is a given...they'll never admit it but they're there.

2.  Logistics is where wars are lost and won.  A quick look at the map will show that although Libya is well within the sphere of influence of Southern Europe, you're still flying a long way....over water at that...logistics is the devil in the details of this whole operation.

3.  What is the provision for CSAR?  US Harriers and soon Italian Harriers are/will be flying close air support missions.  F-16's and other airplanes will be joining the effort.  How will a pilot be rescued if they're shot down?  The French have personnel, the 26th MEU can do it but the planning for such an effort would seem to take longer than the actual rush to war would allow.

4.  Are we ready for the info war?  The Arabian states are already raising hackles about civilian casualties.  What happens when MSNBC news gets footage of a 'supposed' bomb going off inside of an orphanage with a 100 kids hurt?  Have we learned from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq?  If we have then the PAO's better be nimble and quick.

5.  The Marines are everywhere.  Fighting in Afghanistan.  Fighting in Libya.  Providing relief in Japan.  Pretty damn good for a redundant force huh?The three block war was originally thought to be something that would occur inside a city (think Fallujah)...It seems that its morphed into a global affair.  On a side note, it will be very difficult for the US Congress to press for defense cuts considering the last few months.