Friday, April 15, 2011

F-35B purchase reduced to 3...lies, damn lies and APA lies.

"Without going all Hearst" on ya, I've got to tell you how "Perplexed" I am at the decisions that our Congressional leaders have made when it comes to the F-35 program.

They have taken lies, damn lies and APA lies and used it to justify a slow down in the development of the B model.

The model that has the potential to be the glue of the international effort to get our allies to purchase this airplane.

I'm not talking about those that are already in the program...I'm talking about those that have or are making purchases that would make the F-35B the ideal airframe to operate from them.'ll be looking to rebuild its industrial had an entire F-2 squadron wiped out...Typhoon lovers are smoking crack if they really believe that it can win an order here.  Its twin engined but comparatively short legged and lacks capabilities.  Its barely ground attack capable.  Anti-shipping is definitely beyond its abilities.  Japan should be a no brainer for the F-35.

S. Korea...same as above without the industrial damage of the tsunami.

Singapore...with the proliferation of big deck LHD's in the Pacific, this island kingdom will not remain on the sidelines.  Its a natural. about capability without ability!  Buy two LHD's without a fast jet to operate from them?  I don't see that lasting.  Besides, with the Air Force buying additional F/A-18's, it'll allow them to be more flexible in their purchasing decisions.

US...the big deck carriers are already on the accountants chopping blocks.  The need for 10 carriers is about to vanish.  This isn't exactly a bad thing.  What it will mean is that aircraft carriers will get back to 80+ aircraft on their decks again.  This might allow Marine Air to focus on the neck down strategy ....

Long story short...the whispering campaign by the APA, Sweetman and the rest of this cabal has obviously caught the ear of Congressional Staffers.

Conventional wisdom is wrong...but in this case its fashionable.  I can't wait until they're all crushed like grapes.