Sunday, April 03, 2011

A new way to view SNAFU!

Hey Everyone.

Blogger is upping the ante when it comes to its competition with Wordpress (I knew staying with these guys was the right way to go...even while others fled to the enemy)...

Anyway..long story short, if you want to see this blog in other dynamic formats all you have to do is this...

Copy and Paste which ever form fits your tastes into your browser and enjoy...

  • Flipcard: available at
  • Mosaic: available at
  • Sidebar: available at
  • Snapshot: available at
  • Timeslide: available at
  • I'm personally thrilled by the 'usability' that this will add.  Blogger is doing its part to stay cutting edge.  I'll do mine to keep interesting, Marine Corps centric, Naval Service specific info coming your way (with a huge dose of "all things military").