Sunday, May 01, 2011

I luv ya Think Defence, but you're pissing me off!

My buddy Think Defence really rubbed me the wrong way this morning.  I can't wait to read his explanation of how he arrived at this but here's what he said on his blog....
A few thoughts;
If the intention was to eliminate both of them should they not have used multiple or larger munitions, opportunities like this do not presenht themselves very often so when you only have one shot you should make it count.
What dropped them, a B2 I wager
What if the target was the next generation not Muammar Gaddafi or maybe it was Muammar,?
What is the next move?
I've really tried to clean up my act on this blog.

I know that many of you don't like cursing---profanity---etc....

So if you're sensitive, stop reading now.

Did you leave or are you still here?  If you're still here then you can take it---


The US has had a very light footprint after the opening round of this conflict.  All we've heard is how the Europeans have wanted us to participate more....And now this cluster happens and you assume that its the "bloody Yanks" that didn't use enough high explosives to get the job done?

Damn son!


  1. Suspecting a B-2 was used in this mission is stupid. Even if it was us (which it probably wasn't), why would we go through the trouble of having a 2 billion dollar plane launch a strike from CONUS to drop only THREE BOMBS! I could maybe see this strike being a B-2 if it were the first day of the war, but practically all of Libya's long range SAMs have been taken out at this point and we have perfectly good F-16's, F-15's, AV-8's, A-10's, and F/A-18's in theater that could do the job much cheaper and in a more time-sensitive manner.

    Anyway, my guess is that it was Norweigan F-16's, since they're the ones who bombed Gaddafi's compound last time.

  2. Just a thought, but aren't GBU-28's supposed to be able to penetrate 30 meters of soil or 6 meters of solid concrete?

    Besides, even a 2k JDAM can go through 3 meters of concrete and actually holds 50% more explosive than the 5k GBU-28, so more bang for the buck with a 2k JDAM.

  3. Hello Solomon,

    someone has opened Pandoras box,it will be interesting to find out whom.

    I was also surprised at the idea of a B2 being used.
    The B2s tend to fly a handful of sorties at the start of a conflict and then stay home for the rest of it.
    Sometimes I wonder if they are just wheeled out to justify their budgets.


  4. It did strike me as odd, but having read TD for a couple of years now I can't see it being an idle statement, he must have a justification. I'll reserve judgement until then.


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